Tag: Ailleron Life

We are looking for xtraordinary people. Are you one of them?

We are looking for xtraordinary people. Are you one of them?

We are always happy to share our knowledge. This time, we had an opportunity to do this thanks to Łukasz Pękala – our .NET developer. We are proud to inform that he was one of the speakers during 135. edition of Cracow .NET Group meetings.

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7 steps to an efficient webinar

7 steps to an efficient webinar

In the last few months with coronavirus pandemic webinars became increasingly popular. In Poland only the number of those online workshops grew by more than 1100%. The very same thing happened also in other European countries: France experienced 400% increase in the field, Germany – 500%, while in Greece there were 8 times more webinars than before. Such large numbers of online workshops make it more and more difficult for us to attract users and interest them in what we have to offer. Here you can find some invaluable tips on how to do that!

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Employer Branding in Ailleron

Employer Branding in Ailleron

When we mention Employer Branding (EB), we usually think of all the actions that an employer may take to improve company’s image. It is worth adding that these are not only the methods that can be used to promote the business externally, among prospective employees and customers, but also internally, among the people that are already familiar with the brand. Efficient EB strategy should not only lower the turnover rate in the company, but also contribute to the employees’ satisfaction levels and their commitment to work. What is more, it also should help spread the good opinions about the company among friends and relatives of people being in touch with the brand.

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Creative meetings, innovative ideas

Creative meetings, innovative ideas

Meetings are essential for many professions. They are especially important in IT industry that relies on effective communication and exchange of knowledge in its projects. However, some participants are not enthusiastic about meetings, as those long talks are usually one-sided. Luckily, such group conversations don’t have to be exhausting – those in Ailleron are definitely the best of the best!

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Key to success of a virtual meeting

Key to success of a virtual meeting

Virtual meetings became an inevitable part of working in every IT company around the world, as coronavirus outbreak forced the offices to close. This proved to be a huge challenge not only because of various technical issues. Human to human contact during online conference can be an equally important problem, as many professionals struggle with taking part in video calls. Fortunately, we can improve our daily conferences and make sure that every single teammate can express their thoughts with those few simple tricks.

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Technology in service of virtual meetings

Technology in service of virtual meetings

Remote work became a part of our everyday life as a result of coronavirus outbreak. Home office is a perfect solution for this unexpected problem of ongoing pandemic, but, on the other hand, it is also a challenging issue. One of those challenges are virtual meetings that are an essential part of many professions. However, holding a video conference may be difficult because of numerous technical issues, including faulty devices and limited access to the internet. Fortunately, Ailleron knows how to make such difficulties a thing of the past – our experience makes all the problems disappear!

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All Hands Meeting – more than communication!

All Hands Meeting – more than communication!

Communication is the key to success. It was proven to be useful not only in relation between business partners, but also between members of a given organization. That is why we care so much about constant, internal dialogue between our Board and employees.

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LeaseTech vs coronavirus: how we made things work

LeaseTech vs coronavirus: how we made things work

There came an extraordinary time for us all, bringing us sudden change of work model, and our everyday habits. Numerous dangers caused by coronavirus pandemic forced Ailleron to switch to Work-From-Home model. For some of us the change came naturally, but there were others, too, who found it very challenging. However, the entire situation inspired Ailleron employees to share their experience of home office work. Then, we thought that we should share their opinions with you, too. Below you can find a part of Mariusz’s blogpost that was recently posted on LinkedIn. Have fun reading it!

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Remote work, real help – You Can Count on Me Foundation supports hospitals

Remote work, real help – You Can Count on Me Foundation supports hospitals

Coronavirus has significantly changed our habits and numerous restrictions limited our everyday activities. However, in those unprecedented times we cannot simply close the doors to our apartments – helping people in need is now more important than ever. That is why You Can Count On Me foundation is working hard to support those who are the most vulnerable in the time of pandemic.

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Hackathon: Code ’till You’re Done

Hackathon: Code ’till You’re Done

Hackaton is a huge challenge not only for junior software developers, but also for their more experienced colleagues. This type of programming marathon was created to check their knowledge and skills under extreme conditions, including working under time pressure. Still, we know for sure that Ailleron IT experts can meet all the requirements given in the task – and they had a chance to prove it during our last Hackaton.

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