Natalia is another person who started her career at Ailleron with an internship. Today, he is a Project Manager, and she continues to develop and improve his skills. As you can see, the internship at Ailleron offers great opportunities. And what did Natalia’s career path look like, see for yourself.
What did you do during the internship? What new opportunities and talents did you find in yourself during the internship?
First of all, my internship was a bit non-standard, because I learned the responsibilities from several paths – Project Manager, Product Owner and business analyst. I joined the project focused on better banking – we create an application for one of the largest polish banks. I participated in not only team meetings, but also workshops and meetings with clients. I was given a variety of tasks that allowed me to get to know tools that I wasn’t familiar with before – such as Jira or Enterprise Architect. Otherwise I helped in the configuration of the Jira plugin (which is now used by the entire company), I updated the tracing matrix, I completed the decomposition of the scope of the contract with the client, I looked after the CR process, I prepared various summaries for 2021. I also had the opportunity to conduct a training.
What do you especially appreciate the internship at Ailleron for?
For the fact that I had the opportunity to find out if the path I dreamed of is right for me.
I learned numerous tools, especially Excel, which used to scare me – and now I hear – a pivot table? No problem 🙂 I also learned that when you are surrounded by friendly people, cooperation is much easier.
Would you recommend an internship in our company? Why?
Definitely yes. You can learn here a lot, there are many great specialist here, who are willing to share their knowledge. Atmosphere is also good and despite the fact that the company is large, you don’t feel like a cog in a machine.