It all started with an idea 

It’s no secret that nowadays, dealing with the FOMO pressure and keeping up with life and work might be challenging. Therefore, within the Employer Branding Department, we organize as many meaningful initiatives as possible to enhance employee well-being and engagement. One of our flagship projects is an annual #WELL-BEING program that we kick off in the spring. Preparing this year’s edition, we opted for a gamification form. To bring in something new, we decided to create a company app to help us achieve this goal. What was the origin of this initiative? Let’s trace it step by step. 

Engagement is crucial to us. It’s one of the key factors affecting job satisfaction, productivity, seamless performance, and success of the entire company. The essence of employee engagement lies in their enthusiasm, positive approach to task execution, inclination to lead improvements, and sense of belonging in the workplace. Achieving, maintaining, and strengthening such a state might be challenging. Unfortunately, the statistics and forecasts aren’t optimistic. The Enpulse report revealed that in Poland in 2022, one in three surveyed admitted that work is a major stress factor, which makes a notable 12% of respondents showing complete disengagement. Moreover, 23% of those surveyed experienced decreased engagement and resignation. The research results are alarming, which raises the question… 

How to foster engagement? 

It’s well known that compensation is the primary motivator, yet many studies and reports highlight a trend where employees cite additional benefits, appreciation and rewards, workplace culture, professional and personal development, positive employer image, and fair tasks scope among factors that build their engagement. As seen, there’s plenty of room for improvement. It’s worth considering each of these aspects, keeping in mind not only the company’s interests but, above all, the well-being of employees. 

The launch of the ALLgood app 

In order to operate on multiple fronts and combine various aspects to enhance engagement, we have launched the ALLgood application at Ailleron. Our newest app aims to build engagement, motivate users, facilitate personal growth, and encourage competing with colleagues. We had a gut feeling that gamification would lead to greater involvement. 

Within the app, we added a list of “to-do” tasks in different areas of engagement. We’ve classified categories such as: 

  • ENGAGEMENT – including webinars with specialists and training sessions from our new #WELL-BEING program (which we’ll mention later in this article). 
  • COMMUNICATION – involving active participation and posting on social media and internal communication channels. 

As we progress with expanding our ALLgood application, we have additional categories in the pipeline. 

Each task was assigned a certain number of points – we called them ALLcoins. The idea behind the ALLgood app is that employees, by completing individual tasks, report and collect points, which they can later exchange for desired branded gadgets. Already in these first weeks since launching the application, we see that our Ailleron team enjoys gamification. 

What’s the plan for this year’s #WELL-BEING program? 

This edition is part of the entire engagement program and is carried out within the ALLgood app. This year, during meetings with specialists, we will address topics such as resilience and brainbeing, among others. Once a week in the morning hours, we plan various training sessions, starting from yoga and stretching, through a healthy spine and self-massage, ending with a morning booster. 

We also made sure to include outdoor activities. In this edition, employees can join cycling, running, and mountain groups to jointly pursue sports goals, motivate each other, compete, and earn points. The program also includes relaxation sessions. Traditionally, on the first day of summer, we’ll open the summer chill zone, and for the program’s finale in October, we have planned a VR goggle session. Over the next 6 months, we’ll be dedicated to our well-being. 


The well-being of our employees is a top priority, as we firmly believe it has a direct impact on their engagement and job satisfaction. Join us on social media – LinkedIn and Instagram – to stay updated on our progress. Keep in mind to prioritize self-care and your health amidst the daily rush. Stay well! 


Enpulse, Employee engagement survey report in Poland. Based on data from the Enpulse system, 2022