In our series “Be yourself, show your #WomanPower in IT,” our next guest is Katarzyna Falkiewicz, a Software Developer at Ailleron. Kasia will tell us how passion can be part of work, how to grow as a Developer, and where to find inspiration.
1 . Kasia, we’re glad that you agreed to share your experience and knowledge with us.
Thank you! I’m also happy that we can meet and talk.
2. At Ailleron, you are a Software Developer. Could you tell us a bit about what this job is all about?
I develop mobile applications for the Android system and, recently, also multiplatform applications. My job mainly consists of writing code, but I also participate in scrum meetings and do code reviews. The applications I work on are banking applications.
3. As we all know, beginnings are not always easy. How was it for you? Did you encounter any challenges along the way?
Beginnings are often difficult. I think it’s important to have people around who can offer help and support. During my studies, I had a group of friends I could always rely on. It was the same in my first job, which made the beginning less stressful. A significant decision in my career was changing the technology I was programming in. Initially, I wasn’t working with mobile applications, but at some point, I decided to give it a try. After several years in the mobile industry, I can confirm it was worth it.
4. Kasia, was this a natural career path for you? Have you always envisioned your future in IT?
I’ve always enjoyed logical puzzles and science subjects. I first thought about IT when I was 10 years old – back then, I wanted to program games. Later, I changed my mind about my future career several times, but I always considered technical direction. In high school, I returned to the idea of an IT career, but ultimately, I decided to focus on mobile applications rather than games.
5. What gives you the most satisfaction in your job?
One advantage of my job is that it’s not monotonous; it can be unpredictable. This unpredictability can sometimes be a curse, especially with particularly tricky bugs. However, I really enjoy implementing a new, exciting feature or finding a solution to a complex problem. It gives me a sense of satisfaction and motivates me to keep going.
6. Besides your daily work, you are eager to engage in additional activities. In the latest edition of our Power Up Camp project, you were a speaker and shared your knowledge. How did you feel in that role?
It was a new experience for me. It was the first time I prepared a presentation on such a scale. In such situations, stress is a natural reaction. However, I chose a presentation topic that really interests me and knew I wanted to share it with others. Thanks to that, I ultimately felt very comfortable in the role of a speaker, and I’d gladly do it again.
7. I hope there will be many more opportunities for that. The topic of your talk was “Mobile Guild: The Benefits of Knowledge Sharing.” You belong to such a guild. Would you mind telling us more about how it works and what you do there?
The Mobile Guild brings together all mobile application developers – Android, iOS, and multiplatform technologies – everyone is welcome. Every two weeks, we have a meeting that lasts about an hour, where we share knowledge. Additionally, we stay in constant contact via a Teams channel. Knowledge sharing in the Guild takes various forms. One of them is discussing a topic or an article. The presenter introduces a subject from the world of mobile app development that recently caught their interest and may also demonstrate examples or implement the discussed solution. Another form is problem-solving together. A developer presents a challenge they encountered in their project, and Guild members help find a solution and suggest approaches to try. It allows us to create a database of problems and ready-made solutions that can be used in the future. We also inform each other about upcoming conferences or interesting initiatives. For example, we recently participated in the Advent of Code – a programming challenge that follows an advent calendar.
8. That sounds great! It proves that you can combine enjoyable meetings with valuable knowledge exchange. As you mentioned during the webinar, knowledge sharing is not just about exchanging knowledge and experience but also providing support in various professional aspects. It’s essential in everyday work to find inspiration and support each other within the company. What benefits do you get from participating in the Mobile Guild?
Apart from the primary benefit of acquiring knowledge, the Guild gives me an opportunity to practice presentation skills and knowledge sharing. Teaching someone is a skill that needs to be developed, and when we share knowledge, we must become experts in the subject ourselves. Teaching helps both the teacher, and the learner grow. The Guild also allows me to get to know mobile developers from other projects, which is particularly useful when changing teams. Team transitions happen, and thanks to knowing each other through the Guild, onboarding into a new team is quicker and easier.
9. Where do you get your knowledge and inspiration outside the Guild?
I follow industry conferences, keep track of technological news, and stay up to date. In many of the projects I work on, I often encounter tasks that require me to explore new functionalities, libraries, and more. As a result, chances to expand my knowledge arise naturally. Private projects are also a great opportunity to develop skills. Moreover, I draw inspiration from my colleagues. I enjoy hearing about the challenges they have faced and their own projects. It’s really motivating and encourages me to take action.
10. Everyone experiences challenges that can hinder professional growth. Do you have any proven methods or motivators that help you stay on track during difficult times?
First of all, I love what I do. Programming is my hobby, which makes the motivation to learn come naturally. I also maintain a balance between work, learning, and rest. If that balance is disrupted, it’s easy to lose the drive to learn. Mutual motivation, such as the one we share in the Guild, plays a crucial role as well.
11. What development tips would you give those just starting their journey in IT?
The IT industry requires you to keep up with technological advances and expand your knowledge constantly. It’s crucial to know this from the beginning of your career. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from more experienced colleagues and ask questions. It’s the best way to learn.
12. Finally, could you share some motivating words for women entering the IT world or those unsure if they can succeed in the industry?
The IT industry is exciting and diverse. If someone feels this is the place for them, it’s worth trying. I’m delighted that I chose this career path because I get to do what I love and what interests me.
13. Kasia, seeing someone so passionate about their work and development is terrific. I think you can be an inspiration for many women who, despite their technical interests, often hesitate to take the risk and try entering the IT world. Thank you for this conversation!