In the last few months with coronavirus pandemic webinars became increasingly popular. In Poland only the number of those online workshops grew by more than 1100%. The very same thing happened also in other European countries: France experienced 400% increase in the field, Germany – 500%, while in Greece there were 8 times more webinars than before. Such large numbers of online workshops make it more and more difficult for us to attract users and interest them in what we have to offer. Here you can find some invaluable tips on how to do that!

Cyber safety first

Our impact on the quality of a webinar is significant long before the broadcast begins, and it includes more than just the content we plan to present. Presentation safety is equally important, as so-called zoombombing or online raids are becoming increasingly common and they may threaten the success of online events. Thus, before the meeting begins it should be secured with a password or a safe link available for the participants only. Letting the users in manually is also a good solution to this problem, as it allows the speaker to decide who may or may not take part in the event.

Keep calm and close the door!

Online problems sometimes occur, but the analogue ones are far more common. While holding a webinar from an office, the interruptions one may encounter include other employees looking for an empty room, loud passer-by and… room reservation programs that suddenly give us less time than we expected to have. Thus, one should always make sure that everything is set both in the schedule and in the room itself.

Plan of a webinar – more than just a schedule

Before the webinar begins a host should prepare a list of topics he is going to discuss in his presentations. This will further help create the content for the event, but it may also come in handy when the speaker suddenly loses his train of thoughts. Should such a disturbance occur, he can always look up the topic that he should talk about next. Such a plan should also be included in the slide show, as it shows participants that the webinar is not just a speech given out of nowhere, but it has a significant meaning that is to be shown to the public.

Sharing the knowledge – our main aim

Webinar always includes a set of particular information that we want to share with our audience. Thus, an agenda should be at the base of every efficient e-meeting. Adjusting the content of a presentation to chosen target group is of great importance. For example, if you organize a workshop for beginners, you should clearly state that in the description of the event, so that the participants could choose the materials that fit them best. That will further help you manage the expectations and effect of the meeting.

Tiny things matter

The devil’s in the details – that common saying definitely applies to webinars. Even the smallest parts of the event should be prepared beforehand, and it includes not only the microphone and camera check. Choosing the right lighting is also a compulsory part of a preparation, as blurred shapes or blinding rays can deter the viewers. A bottle of water and a comfortable chair are helpful, too, as they reduce speaker’s urge to move at all times.

Questions: help or disruption?

Questions make up a large part of every online meeting. However, in case of webinars, their amount should be properly balanced. Constant answering the questions during presentation can distract the speaker and cause the audience to lose interest in the workshops. That’s why the host should inform the participants that all the questions will be answered at the end of a webinar. Such an approach allows us to effectively manage the meeting and the expectations of its viewers.

What to do when webinar ends?

The contact with the audience does not end when the meeting ends. After the broadcast finishes, one should always ask the participants for their opinions about the webinar they’ve just attended. That allows us to find the strengths and weaknesses of the event and make use of them. Knowledge sharing does not end here, either. That is because webinars can be published as articled, e-books, podcasts or simply presentations available for the viewers.

